with their pink painted faces
moulin rouge cheeks,
little hens
in the ladies room
through antique teeth,
veneered words
splinter off their tongues...
"So nice to see you"...
Even fairy tales
have cardboard creeps
climbing through the pages,
And she believes in fairy tales,
so she dusts them off daily
with feather words and gloss,
billowing sweet cotton candy,
pink on their blue cheeks
They prattle as she prances
out the door...
"Isn't she a doll?"...
you have to fix the endings.
Pretty little ending
all wrapped up,
sugar coated candy
in a movie theatre box.
Confetti dust
rays of a lost sun,
float aimlessly
in their shadow,
I suddenly remember...
It wasn't all that great.
I just wanted it to be...
Hey! I just found this one at the bottom of the stack and here it is up here! You'll like what I did with it. I promise. Check the drafts.
3:52 AM
Real time clink!
From the other side of the mirror!
I'm grabbing coffee....I've gotta lot to read.....
Next time you throw pebbles at
my window,
and wake me up from a
stone Friday night sleep,
do you think you
could stop at
7-11 on your way in?
One cream and one sugar please....
No prob, Lady Sing. You like Cappucino?
That baby bird poem was excellent. I touched it up a bit. Leave it double spaced. It looks great like that.
out flat arms everywhere
one hand over the edge
fingers in the teal blue water
just enough
to rock the raft....
and the night sky
a black mirror
my own eyes
staring back at
me, giant,
wakes me with
her three o'clock
November tears....
I crawl out of bed,
reach up and up and up
stand in teal water
8 stories high....
and fly.....
Ha!I didn't know you were still here! Busy little poet, I love it all! I like my coffee strong with color.....
The Bar always double spaces my drafts....like blue lined notebook paper, leaves just enough room for you to scribble in the margins, between the lines, draw arrows up and down.....
Yeah, I'm still here. I'm tired as heck, though. I'd love to write with ya, but I used my energy up editing all those poems.
You do some great work. Did you peview the poem "Eyes that sing" ? It's has a sweet picture with it.
Yes, it's beautiful! It wouldn't show me the pic, cause I went in as hippie....
Get some rest, poetic friend, I've had my catnap for the night.....
Insomnia and
and the promise of sunrise
will keep me up wandering, coloring, scribbling.....
Sweet dreams....
sweet dreams.
And visit with some of our commenters! Grow some wings!
Silly poet, I've had wings all along....
and boots for walkin'
climbin' fences
visitin' friends.....
the wind,
for carryin' hello's
when I'm too tired
to leave the yard
or when the chaos is a tornado
that might follow me....
to say I was here but
only whispered....
Again, I hop in here in the midst of some brilliant back and forth...
I actually have a secret Marilyn fascination. I think she is one of the most intriguing and misunderstood characters of our time.
This so well captured what I think of her, trying to believe in fairy tales, despite the world cackling, hissing, spitting, trying to taint all that she hold true and pure.
princess....Marilyn, a tragic fairytale come true....I think you're very,very right....
Thank you so much for hopping in....that's what barstools are for! clink!
Folks, a major event has just taken place. Not only are these two people among my favorite artists in blogland, but they are among THE BEST! Dynamic Duo--look out Batman and Robin--you can kiss it goodbye. About time you two started a blog. I will link you both with joy.
It's funny, because we wrote the poem first, and later, as I was scanning pictures on the net, I saw Marilyn, and knew she'd be perfect, that she summed up everything Singleton wrote.
My contribution was only a filling out of verses here and there, as well as adding the pic. Thanks for the visits. Peace...
Enemy of...
With a dedication like that, we can only go far.
That we have fans like you only shows that we have a whole lot of mojo in the cards that we hold.
And thank you for the link--as you see, we already have you on our list.
Peace out, friend.
haha! in my line of work, we call this ending either "reframing" or "magical thinking".
nuthin' wrong with creating the ending you propose!
have fun writing, you 2.
Princess...the poet is being modest. We bounce. In the comment boxes. One idea, one line, one theme to the next, sometimes in sync, sometimes in echo, sometimes ping-ponging, and then he scoops them up in a net, weaves them all together and comes up with the finished "hit publish"..... yeah, the poet is being modest.....And Marilyn, he saw that, heard that, knew that it was a clink! Thank you for following him here.....
Enemy....Thank you....we've been rambling in boxes for what seems like forever, jumping from treehouse to porch.....we had to find a halfway house....and the bar is always open!
So, girls, what would you like to drink?
Peace~love, on the rocks.....
KJ...Clink! In real time! The middle of the night! :) Happy hour in this world!
Clink! Tonight feels like a hot tea with something special to help me nod to sleep.
The two of you's chemistry is amazing. It is lovely to watch a work of art develop, gradually, in such an intriguing medium as this.
Well, we just let the free verse roll, and it can go anywhere and everywhere. And really, I'm glad you drop by, because it's awesome to share this stuff with others.
Sing and I should one day have a book of poetry and art, some of the pictures, some of her drawings, an our words flowing throughout.
I'm glad you enjoy us. We linked you too, over on the sidebar.
And one hot dreamy steamy Spanish/Irish whathaveya tea coming up.
On the house...
Princess....I'm feeling hot tea or iced coffee myself....must be the early dark, and the chill, wafting in everytime the door swings open......
Thank you for visiting, for joining us for rounds at the Butterfly Bar.....
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