Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Little Black Book, Eric Bachman 2007

Pages blur
faces turn
some time
no money.

on a dime.

Air crackles with life-lightning
smokey air conditioned breeze,
out of the dark we are all born.

and pages
with stars:
one or two
three, four
and five.

Few could hold your candle,
none could match your style--
ten, eleven, twenty-four-seven.

A page in
the book
torn out
flying on
cool breeze.

Butterflys drink from the flowers,
sometimes, shot glasses, bottles;
always to their light heart's content.

One more page torn from the book
forever are the stars there yours
shining like rain in a city street lamp

casting shadows
on this
little black book
of mine.


singleton said...

Here's to butterfly shots! Clink!ing in the wind! Pages, flying, magic carpets.....

eric1313 said...

I waited til just now to do that shot.

Clink! It's good! It's all good.

singleton said...

It's a butterfly bar, and we can do chasers
and toast til we're silly

singleton said...

hey I wonder what happens if we're both signed in and banging on the keyboard at the same time? Will it lock up
or go your line my line your line mine
or will
the bouncer set us both outside
until the coast is clear?

eric1313 said...

I'm already silly, and smiling. I'll do another shot, though. My first real drink in weeks.

singleton said...

Oh, maybe I'm not such a good influence after all, LOL!

eric1313 said...

I think the bartender
will keep our tabs
seperate but equal

It's a balnce act
but we hired
the right guy
for the job.

singleton said...

Oh, hell,
now we have to come up with money for a tip!

eric1313 said...

Nonsense! Your influence is a good one.

eric1313 said...

I got a dime!

And a butterfly bottle cap.

singleton said...

That's good enough and we can always work for beer!

singleton said...

And I have a feeling we'll earn our friday night keep!

eric1313 said...

Oh, that's good thing. We've moved up, from treehouses and back porches to a bar of our very own.

singleton said...

Ha! And it's a perfect corner bar....
No cover charge.....
No dress code....
And Jimi on the juke.....

skinnylittleblonde said...

splinter free floors & swiveling chairs.
Give me a coozie for my beer!
I'll meet you there!

singleton said...

SLB....Here's your coozie, baby!

eric1313 said...


Both of you get free refills
on the house...

singleton said...

Fill 'er up, please!